Harry Sear's band Astwood's bell frame Bletchley's bells in the churchyard Old Bradwell band Calverton's old church Thornborough re-hang Olney's bells Astwood church in the snow Downs Barn installation Newport sub-web
North Bucks Branch Archive Project

Main Branch site:

Branch site

The Branch web site contains up to date information about ringing in North Bucks. Much of the information formerly in this site can now be found there.

Latest on this site:

Corrections to analysis of bell harmonics at Wavendon and Great Linford - June 2022

Clifton ReynesSt Mary the Virgin6


Fastest peal

2h, 27mJune 25, 1958
2h, 30mFebruary 3, 1991

Longest peal(s)

 Cake for Catherine's first peal
Photo DescriptionCake for Catherine's first peal
Approx Date1999
 This cake was made
to celebrate Catherine Stacy's first peal (p.579) and also her 16th birthday on this date.

Branch events here:

March 14, 2015AGM 
June 18, 2011Branch Summer Social and Striking Competition 
June 20, 2009Summer Social & Branch Striking Competition 
June 6, 2009Summer SocialRe-arranged to new date and Striking Competition added
June 2, 2007Summer Ringing and Social (skittles) 
June 17, 2005Branch 6 Bell Striking Competition 
October 19, 2001Branch PracticeCambridge S Minor


Who has circled the tower to peals:

No-one has circled this tower

Who has rung the most peals here:

RingerPealsMost Recent
William Freeman10July 22, 1923
Frederick J Mynard9July 22, 1923
Henry W Gayton9October 24, 1937
Joshua J Partridge8September 10, 1932
Edwin S Mynard7July 22, 1923
Amos Smart6June 6, 1931
L William Jacques5July 22, 1923
William Sharp5October 31, 1931
Albert Minney4September 10, 1932
Frank Boswell4June 24, 1914

Bell Frame

Bellframes Type 8.1.C - a
Double "X" braced frame
Day of Eye 1886
James Shaw of Bradford 1892
Whites of Appleton 1900-1910 (?)
Mears & Stainbank 1906-1910
Bowell of Ipswich 1908-1939

Classification from "Bellframes - A Practical Guide to Inspection and Recording - C J Pickford 1993"

The bells now

 Documented NoteDocumented Note SourceRecorded NoteWeightDiameterCast by
1  Exactly F#/Gb - - 26Alfred Bowell in 1905
2  Flat of E by 7 cents - - 28½John Hodson in 1664
3  Sharp of D by 19 cents - - 30John Hodson in 1664
4  Sharp of C#/Db by 7 cents - - 31¾John Hodson in 1664
5  Flat of B by 6 cents - - 35John Hodson in 1664
6ADoveSharp of A by 5 cents10 - 2 - 1438½John Hodson in 1664


The figures and diagram below show the difference, in cents, between each bell and what it should be to be in tune with the tenor.
A positive figure shows that the bell is sharp, a negative figure shows that it is flat. There are 100 cents between notes on the scale.

History of bells in this tower:

From 1664From 1905
 1 of 6 Alfred Bowell
1 of 5 John Hodson2 of 6 John Hodson
2 of 5 John Hodson3 of 6 John Hodson
3 of 5 John Hodson4 of 6 John Hodson
4 of 5 John Hodson5 of 6 John Hodson
5 of 5 John Hodson6 of 6 John Hodson