Harry Sear's band Astwood's bell frame Bletchley's bells in the churchyard Old Bradwell band Calverton's old church Thornborough re-hang Olney's bells Astwood church in the snow Downs Barn installation Newport sub-web
North Bucks Branch Archive Project

Main Branch site:

Branch site

The Branch web site contains up to date information about ringing in North Bucks. Much of the information formerly in this site can now be found there.

Latest on this site:

Corrections to analysis of bell harmonics at Olney - December 2024

BletchleySt Mary8


Fastest peal

2h, 43mMay 13, 1999
2h, 44mFebruary 14, 1969

Longest peal(s)

5184May 13, 1989
5184June 9, 2010
5184November 10, 1998

Branch events here:

September 17, 2016Branch Practice, Chairman's' Cup & Autumn meeting 
August 16, 2014Branch Practice 
August 20, 2011Branch Practice 
January 16, 2009Branch Practice 
December 16, 2006Christmas Celebration 
September 16, 2005Branch PracticeSpecial Method: Little Bob Major
March 17, 2001Joint practice with Luton District 
March 3, 2001Annual General Meeting 
 Wilson's Wanderers?
DescriptionWilson's Wanderers?
Approx Date0
Full report 

Who has circled the tower to peals:

Donald J Meager
Harry Sear
Joseph Marks
Roger Cadamy
William A Yates

Who has rung the most peals here:

RingerPealsMost Recent
Harry Sear58May 19, 1963
William A Yates28February 25, 1989
George W Holland28February 25, 1989
Joseph Marks26December 18, 1964
Roger Cadamy26June 7, 1977
Walter Sear24April 15, 1939
Valentine Sear18July 5, 1919
Donald J Meager16February 14, 1969
Charles W Clarke12March 14, 1908
Albert E Daniels11June 7, 1977
 Documented NoteDocumented Note SourceRecorded NoteWeightDiameterCast by
1FRecordingExactly F4 - 2 - 2127½Abraham Rudhall 1 in 1717
2ERecordingFlat of E by 7 cents4 - 3 - 128Abraham Rudhall 1 in 1713
3DRecordingFlat of D by 5 cents5 - 1 - 2629½Abraham Rudhall 1 in 1712
4CRecordingFlat of C by 2 cents6 - 2 - 1032½Abraham Rudhall 1 in 1712
5BbRecordingFlat of A#/Bb by 1 cents7 - 1 - 533¾Taylor in 1924
6ARecordingFlat of A by 2 cents7 - 3 - 435½R Stainbank in 1867
7GRecordingExactly G10 - 0 - 439½R Taylor in 1827
8FRecordingFlat of F by 1 cents15 - 2 - 644½Gillett & Co in 1893
The figures below show the difference, in cents, between each bell and what it should be to be in tune with the tenor.
A positive figure shows that the bell is sharp, a negative figure shows that it is flat. There are 100 cents between notes on the scale.
History of bells in this tower:
From 1712From 1713From 1717From 1718From 1827From 1867From 1893From 1924
 1 of 8 Abraham I Rudhall1 of 8 Abraham I Rudhall     
 2 of 8 Abraham I Rudhall      
1 of 6 Abraham I Rudhall3 of 8 Abraham I Rudhall      
2 of 6 Abraham I Rudhall4 of 8 Abraham I Rudhall      
3 of 6 Abraham I Rudhall5 of 8 Abraham I Rudhall     5 of 8 John Taylor & Co
4 of 6 Abraham I Rudhall6 of 8 Abraham I Rudhall   6 of 8 Robert Stainbank  
5 of 6 Abraham I Rudhall7 of 8 Abraham I Rudhall  7 of 8 Robert Taylor & Sons   
6 of 6 Abraham I Rudhall8 of 8 Abraham I Rudhall 8 of 8 Abraham I Rudhall  8 of 8 Gillett & Johnston 
Bellframes Type 8.3.A - h
As used (with minor differences - some with and some without the lower "stretcher rail") by
Taylor of Loughborough 1892 to date
Llwellyns & James of Bristol c1904-1925
Mears & Stainbank (Whitechapel) c1920 to date
Whites of Appleton c1955 to date

Classification from "Bellframes - A Practical Guide to Inspection and Recording - C J Pickford 1993"